How Urgent Is My Eye Appointment?
Please see below our practice interpretation of eye care emergencies and urgencies relative to routine eyecare.
Level 1 – Eye Emergencies:
Pain and/or eye injury
Loss of vision
Double vision (neurological symptom)
Flashers & floaters
Level 2 – Inability to See, affecting personal safety
Replace eyewear/contact lenses for extreme cases of farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism
Glaucoma check-up (for patients that are not considered high-risk for COVID-19)
Level 3 – Eye Urgencies
Eye infection with discharge, seasonal allergies, dry eye discomfort, replace tear-savers (plugs), acute or painful stye
Level 4 – Diabetic Eye Check Up, routine dilation, Comprehensive Eye Exams & general follow-ups
These can generally be scheduled for a later date. If you are in this group (level 4) and feel you need to keep or schedule an appointment please e-mail us with your request. Page updated 3/29/2020.